The new Philly Counts project aims to reach 100,000 doors in city “hot spots” of drug overdose deaths in Black and brown communities.

A small group of people dressed in royal blue shirts gathered in the far corner of a parking lot on North 5th Street in North Philadelphia.
It’s the meet-up spot of the day for outreach workers and canvassers with the city Office of Community Empowerment and Opportunity’s Philly Counts team.
On a recent Thursday morning, about 20 canvassers were in Franklinville to distribute the opioid overdose reversal medication Narcan, fentanyl test strips, and resource guides on substance use and addiction treatment services.
Their goal is to spread awareness about rising drug overdose deaths in the community, particularly among Black and brown residents, and equip people with tools to help those struggling with substance use issues.
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