House Bill 1783 passed 187-14 on Wednesday, June 12th, 2024. It moves to the state Senate for further consideration.

HARRISBURG — A strong bipartisan vote this week in the Pennsylvania House advanced a bill proposing to create a new grant program to support addiction recovery and develop educational materials about opioid-related overdose.
House Bill 1783 passed 187-14 on Wednesday. It moves to the state Senate for further consideration.
Introduced by Rep. Arvind Venkat, D-Allegheny, an emergency room physician, the bill creates a new educational awareness initiative to be led by the state Department of Health.
The department is mandated to design and distribute posters to be displayed in public and private settings that explain the signs of an opioid-related overdose, directions on how to respond, information on obtaining the opioid-overdose reversal medication naloxone and additional resources.
House members voted unanimously on Tuesday to add language from a dormant proposal, House Bill 1650, that would create the Lifetime Recovery from Substance Abuse Grant Program originally introduced by Rep. Jim Gregory, R-Blair, and Rep. Joe Hohenstein, D-Philadelphia.
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