A devasted mother who lost her daughter to an overdose during the pandemic has issued a heartbreaking warning to other parents as US drug deaths surged to an all-time high in 2020.
Sherry Jo Matt, 57, told The Sun how she lost her 21-year-old daughter Siena Bott to an accidental overdose on September 14.
The straight-A student, who had once been courted by a number of Ivy League schools, was found dead inside her family home in an affluent suburb of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
It would later be discovered that Siena had consumed what’s known as a “pressed Percocet” – a counterfeit pill laced with fentanyl.
“This should shake every American to their core,” she added. “Because if it can happen in our little suburban neighborhood, and happen to an affluent family like ours, it can happen anywhere.
“And if it can happen to our daughter, it can happen to anyone else’s too.”
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