A Franklin Park couple who lost a daughter in 2020 to fentanyl poisoning are working with state legislators to get a bill passed that will help fight the opioid crisis and support those suffering from addiction.

An overwhelming bipartisan majority of the House passed House Bill 1783, which would help better address the opioid epidemic by bringing new resources. The bill would direct the state Department of Health to develop educational materials to raise public awareness about how to recognize and respond to an overdose, including where to find naloxone, according to Tracy Lawless, a government affairs counselor and lobbyist who works for KL Gates LLP.
The bill, sponsored by state Rep. Arvind Venkat, D-McCandless, would also establish a substance use recovery grant program administered by the state Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs.
“We need to be far more proactive in bringing awareness of the opioid crisis into public spaces so the public can be empowered in their response when they see victims,” Venkat said.
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