About Thomas:
Thomas (Tom) Bott co-founded Stop the Judgment Project (STJP) with his wife, Sherry Jo Matt, after their daughter Siena died of a fentanyl overdose at age 21 in September 2020. STJP’s mission is to generate societal compassion and kindness for young people who are dealing with a substance use disorder and a mental health disorder in an effort to end the stigma and shame associated with these complicated and often linked diseases.
Tom earned his JD degree from the University of Buffalo Law School. He practiced corporate law in private practice and in-house with several national banking institutions for over 30 years. He is currently retired from the practice of law, but is actively involved with STJP. He also helps his wife run a successful home staging business (Transcendent Staging & Renovation).
Tom and his wife, Sherry Jo, both enjoy spending time with their son Dylan. Tom is also an avid sailor.